Digital heating register for municipal heating planning


heat register for berlin

our approach

Berlin has committed to climate neutrality by 2045. To achieve this ambitious goal, energy efficiency improvements and increased decarbonization of the energy supply to the building stock must be thoughtfully planned.

This first requires the most accurate knowledge possible of current building-level consumption at the urban neighborhood level so that energy retrofit measures for the building stock can be effectively selected and the transformation steps toward future energy supply systems can be defined.


The objective of EnergyMap is the development, establishment and evaluation of a database-supported multi-user/multisource application including an online platform for the creation of a building-specific digital heat register for the building stock of the state of Berlin. The aim is to create a maximally transparent data basis for the current spatially differentiated energy status of the building stock of the federal capital. This data basis which will be freely available to all social actors of the energy transition in the future as a basis for planning in various levels of detail.

The combination of calculated building-specific heat demand values based on publicly available data with real "crowd sourcing" consumption data from individual buildings or properties - collected via an online platform - is intended to deliver scientifically and socially valuable results.

Areas of investigation

University campus Berlin charlottenburg

In the first phase of the project, the heat register will initially be tested on a test area with a manageable building stock of about 45 buildings. The well collected data regarding the building parameters and the energy consumption data is greatly benefitting the EnergyMap project.

Area mierendorff-insel

In a second step, an area-wide building-specific calculation and, if possible, area-wide consumption data collection of the building stock is to be carried out for the heat register. For this purpose, an area at postcode level was selected, which is the Mierendorff Island with approx. 600 buildings.

federal state of berlin

In the third step, the data acquisition is to be extended to the large building stock of 360,000 buildings in the entire state of Berlin. Since the collection of consumption data on this large scale must be long-term, the forecasting quality of the neural network will be continuously increased with the successively collected consumption data.


Do the HeatCheck, if

  • you live in Berlin or own a flat or work for a property management company,
  • you would like a brief analysis of the energy status of your building,
  • you only have a few minutes,
  • you would like to receive information on energy improvement measures,
  • you would like information on funding,
  • you have one to three heating bills ready,
  • and you would like to support the Energymap project with your data.

You will leave the Energymap-Berlin website and will be redirected here directly to the page of the HeatCheck.


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On 27.03.2023 the second project advisory board meeting of the EnergyMap Berlin project took place. Two new members were elected to the project advisory board, who come from the energy supply and tenants' association sectors. In the project advisory board meeting, the status of the work packages was discussed and the procedure, methodology and data basis were discussed in detail. The aim of the project advisory board is to accompany and advise the research project with experts from different areas of municipal heating planning.

You want to read more news from us?

The joint project "EnEffWärme: EnergyMap Berlin - Online platform for the creation of a building-specific digital heat register for the building stock of the state of Berlin"(duration 2022 to 2025) is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK) under the funding code 03EN3051A/B/C/D/E.

The joint project EnergyMap Berlin is coordinated by the project partner UdK Berlin.

contact us


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Nytsch-Geusen

University of Arts Berlin

Institute for Architecture and Urbanism

Department of Supply Planning and Building Technology (VPT)